UTSA's multidisciplinary studies degree in Cyber Intelligence allows students to study multiple fields such as statistics, information systems, management science, and political science. Cyber Intelligence tracks, analyzes, and counters digital security threats using a mix of physical and digital intelligence. This program focuses on gaining a foundation in finance and political science with data science knowledge to understand cyber threats.

BS-MDST Cyber Intelligence 2024-26 Catalog (BS-MDCI-UC)

AIS 1203 or 1243 Academic Introduction & Strategies 3   MDS 2023 Intro to Multidisc Studies 3
WRC 1013 Freshman Comp I (Q) 3   STA 1053 Component Area Option (prereq. STA) 3
POL 1013 Introduction to American Politics 3   Technology Requirement CS 1063, 1083, 1173, DS 4003, 4013, IS 1413, 1053 3
CORE Creative Arts 3   POL1133 or 1213 Texas Politics and Society 3
MAT 1073 Core Mathematics 3   WRC 1023 Freshman Comp II (Q) 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15
IS 3413 Intro to Telecom for Business (FA 1) 3   IS 3513 Infor Assurance and Security (FA 1) 3
IS 3433 Intro to Digital Forensics (FA 1) 3   IS 3533 Cyber Law and Legal System (FA1) 3
ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3   ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3
CORE Life & Physical Sciences 3   CORE Life & Physical Sciences 3
COM Requirement COM 1043,1053,2113 or ENG 2413 3   STA 4233 Intro to Prog & Data Manage R (FA 2) 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15
IS 3523 Intrusion Detection (FA1) 3   IS 3833 Cyber Operations (FA1) 3
MS 3073 Business Analytics (FA 2) 3   MS 3313 Multivariate Satistics for Business Analytics (FA2) 3
STA 4133 Intro to Prog & Data Manage SAS (FA 2) 3   MS 3063 Decision Support System (FA 2) 3
ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3   ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3
CORE American History 3   CORE Social and Behavioral Science 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15
IS 4473 Information Assurance Policy (FA1) 3   ELEC Free Elective 3
STA 4143 or MS 4373 Data Mining (FA2) 3   ELEC Elective 3
ELEC Free Elective 3   ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3
ELEC Social Science (FA 3) 3   CORE Lang, Philosophy, & Cult. 3
CORE American History 3   MDS 4983 Seminar for Multidisc Studies
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15

Focus Area 1 - 21 hours (15 hours required)

Course Number Title Prerequisite
IS 3413 Intro to Telecom for Business  
IS 3433 Intro to Digital Forensics  
IS 3513 Infor Assurance and Security IS 3413
IS 3523 Intrusion Detection IS 3513
IS 3533 Cyber Law and Legal System  
IS 3833 Cyber Operations IS 3523
IS 4473 Information Assurance Policy IS 3413
IS 4953 Special Studies in IS Consent of Instructor

Focus Area 2 - 18 hours (9 hours required) or 2 required courses from each category

Course Number Title Prerequisite
Data Science
DS 3023* Statistical Analysis for Data Science (required) MAT 1073
DS 4003* Introduction to Data Science (required) MAT 1073
DS 4013* Programming for Data Science (required) MAT 1073*
DS 4023* Data Organization and Visualization DS 4013 and DS 3023 (or STA 3003)
DS 4033* Data Mining and Machine Learning Completion or Concurrent Enrollment of DS 4023
CS 1714 Computer Programming II CS 1063 or CS 1083 or DS 4013
CS 2124 Data Structures CS 1714 and MAT 1214
MAT 1214 Calculus I MAT 1093
* Certificate in Data Science (five courses)  
Business Intelligence
STA 4233* Intro to Prog & Data Management R (required)
STA 4133* Intro to Prog & Data Manage SAS (required)
STA 4143* Data Mining STA 4133
MS 1023 Business Statistics with Computer App I IS 1403 or IS 1413 and MAT 1053
MS 304 Business Statistics with Computer App II (required) IS 1403 or IS 1413, MAT 1053, MS 1023
MS 3063* Decision Support System
MS 3073* Business Intelligence & Analytics (required) MS 3043
MS 3083 Data Management for Business Analytics  
MS 3313* Multivariate Statistics for Business Analytics MS 3073 and MS 3083
DS 4003 Introduction to Data Science MAT 1053
* Certificate in Business Analytics (five courses)  
STA 4233, STA 4133, MS 3073, MS 3063, MS 3313, MS 4323  

Focus Area 3 - 18 hours (9 or 12 hours required)

Course Number Title Prerequisite
Political Science
GLA 1013 U.S. in the Global Arena (required)
GLA 2103 Introduction to Intelligence Studies (required) GLA 1013 or POL 1013
GLA 2203 Introduction to Security Studies GLA 1013 or POL 1013
GLA 2603 Introduction to Global Politics (required) GLA 1013 or POL 1014
GLA 3213 Theories of International Relations GLA 1013 or POL 1013
GLA 3343 National Security in the Global Context GLA 1013 or POL 1014
GLA 4213 The Intelligence Community in World Affairs POL 1013
GLA 4953 Special Studies in Political Science POL 1013
GLA 4973 Seminar in Political Science POL 1013, 2693, 2703, and 15 hrs in POL or consent of the instructor
POL 3593 Topics in Latin American Security POL 1013 or GLA 1013
POL 3763 Globalization POL 1013 or GLA 1013
POL 3483 International Political Economy POL 1013
POL 3513 International Organizations in World Politics POL 1013 or GLA 1013
ACC 2013 Principles of Accounting I (required)
ECO 2013 Introductory Macroeconomics (required) ECO 2023
ECO 2023 Introductory Microeconomics (required)
ECO 3193 International Economics ECO 2003 or 2013 or 2023 with C-
ECO 4303 Economics of Developing Countries ECO 2003 or 2013 with C-
FIN 3013 Principles of Finance (required) ACC 2013, ECO 2013, MAT 1133, and MS 1023
FIN 3033 Principles of Investment MGT 3003, IS 3003, and FIN 3013
FIN 3423 Security Analysis FIN 3033
FIN 4613 Introduction to International Finance MGT 3003 and FIN 3013
MFT 3003 Business Communication and Professional Development COM 1043, 1053, 1063, or WRC 1023

Archived Focus Areas by Year

2023 Focus Areas

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