UTSA's multidisciplinary studies degree in Geoinformatics allows students to study multiple fields such as computer science, statistics, data science, cloud computing, earth science, geographic information systems, remote sensing, and spatial analysis. Geoinformatics is a blend of data interference, algorithmic development, and geospatial technology to solve spatial-related earth science, climate science, and environmental science problems. Companies like Google, Amazon, and many business and governmental agencies use geoinformatics to make decisions for societal benefits and for scientific research and exploration.

BS MDST - Geoinformatics 2024-26 Catalog (BS-MDGI-UC)

AIS 1203 or 1243 Academic Introduction & Strategies 3   CS 1714 Computer Programming II/Rec. (FA 2) 3/1
CS 1063 Intro to Computer Programming I 3   MAT 1224 Calculus II (FA 1) 4
MAT 1214 Calculus I (FA 1 & Core) 4   MDS 2023 Intro to Multidisc Studies 3
CORE American History 3   WRC 1023 Freshman Comp II (Q) 3
WRC 1013 Freshman Comp I (Q) 3      
TOTAL   14   TOTAL   16
CS 2124 Data Structures/Rec. (FA 2) 4   CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithms (FA 2) 3
MAT 2233 Linear Algebra (FA 1) 3   GEO 1103 Physical Geology ( FA 3) (prereq. CHE 1103) 3
STA 3003 Applied Statistics (FA 1) 3   STA 3513  Probability and Statistics (FA 1) 3
COM Requirement COM 1043,1053,2113 or ENG 2413 3   POL 1013 Introduction to American Politics 3
CS 2233 Discrete Mathematical Structures (FA 1) 3   ELEC Focus Area 2 3
TOTAL   16   TOTAL   15
GEO 3163 Oceanography 3   STA 4233 Intro to Prog & Data Management (FA 1) 3
ELEC Focus Area 2 3   ELEC GI-A (FA 3) 3
GES 3713 Weather and Climate (FA 3) 3   ELEC Focus Area 2 3
POL 1133 or 1213 Texas Politics and Society 3   CORE American History 3
CORE Life & Physical Sciences PHY 1943 recommended 3   CORE Life & Physical Sciences 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15
ELEC Focus Area 2 3   GEO 4073 Web GIS (FA 3) 3
ELEC GI-B (FA 3) 3   ELEC GI-D (FA 3) 3
ELEC GI-C (FA 3) 3   MDS 4983 Seminar for Multidisc Studies 3
CORE Social & Behavioral Sciences 3   CORE Component Area Option 3
CORE Creative Arts 3   CORE Lang, Philosophy, & Cult. 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15

2023 Focus Area 1 - 21 hours (9 hours UD)

Course Number Title Prerequisite C- or better
MAT 1214 Calculus I MAT 1093
MAT 1224 Calculus II MAT 1214
MAT 2233 Linear Algebra MAT 1224 or EGR 2323
STA 3003 Applied Statistics MAT 1214
STA 3513 Probability and Statistics STA 3003 & MAT 1224
STA 4233 Introduction to Programming and Data Management in R  
CS 2233 Discrete Mathematical Structures CS 1714 & MAT 1214

2023 Focus Area 2 - 18 hours (9 hours UD)

Course Number Title Prerequisite C- or better
CS 1714 Computer Programming II (required) CS 1063
CS 2124 Data Structures (required) CS 1714 and MAT 1214
CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithm (required) CS 2124 and CS 2233 and CS 3333 (or equivalent)
CS 3753 Data Science CS 2124 and CS 2233 and CS 3333 (or equivalent)
CS 3793 Artificial Intelligence CS 3343 and CS 3424
CS 4373 Data Mining CS 3343
CS 4953 Advanced Topics in Cyber Security Consent of Instructor
CS 4973 Advanced Topics in Data Science Consent of Instructor
CS 4843 Cloud Computing CS 3424
DS 4003 Introduction to Data Science MAT 1073
DS 4013 Programming for Data Science MAT 1073
DS 4023 Data Organization and Visualization DS 4013 and DS 3023 os STA(3003)
DS 4033 Data Mining and Machine Learning DS 4023
IS 4023 Applied Big Data with Machine Learning IS 3073
IS 4233 Introduction to Cloud Computing Course does not exist in 20-22 catalog anymore
STA 4143 Data Mining STA 4133 or equivalent

2023 Focus Area 3 - 18 hours (12 hours prescribed, 9 hours UD)

Course Number Title Prerequisite C- or better
GEO 1103 Physical Geology (required) CHE 1103, CHE 1121 & MAT 1093
GEO 3163 Oceanography (required)
GEO 4073 Web GIS (required) ES 2113 or GEO 2113 or GEO 3343 or consent of instructor
GES 3713 Weather and Climate (required)
One course from below GI - A
CE 4293 Geographic Information Systems CE 2103 or GEO 4023
ES 2113 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
GEO 2113 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems CS 1173
GES 3314 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
One course from below GI - B
GEO 3343 Introduction to Geospatial Technologies
GES 3323 Spatial Analysis
One course from below GI - C
GEO 4093 Principles of Remote Sensing MAT 1214 and PHY 1943
GES 3363 GIS Cartography
One course from below GI - D
ES 4103 Global Change
GEO 3173 Polar Regions and Climate Change  CHE 1083, CHE 1093, ES 2013, and ES 2023 or equivalent
GEO 4063 Advanced Environmental Geology GEO 1103 and GEO 1111
GEO 4053 Climate Change: Past, Present, Future GEO 3003

Want to learn more about this program?

Contact the Multidisciplinary Studies Program