UTSA's multidisciplinary studies degree in Data Science allows students to study multiple fields such as computer science, statistics, electrical engineering, information systems, and management science. Data science is a blend of data interference, algorithmic development, and technology to solve analytically complex problems. Companies like Netflix, Google, Amazon, and others use data science to make decisions and determine what drives consumer interest.

BS MDST - Data Science 22-24 catalog (BS-MDDS-UC)

AIS 1203 or 1233 Academic Introduction & Strategies 3 CS 1714 Intro to Prog II/Rec. (FA 2) 4
CS 1063 Intro to Computer Programming I 3 MAT 1224 Calculus II (FA 1) 4
MAT 1214 Calculus I (FA 1) 4 STA 1053  Basic Statistics (CORE) 3
CORE Creative Arts 3 WRC 1023 Freshman Comp II (Q) 3
WRC 1013 Freshman Comp I (Q) 3    
TOTAL   16   TOTAL   14
CS 2124 Data Structures/Rec. (FA 2) 4   CS 2233 Discrete Math (FA 2) 3
MAT 2233 Linear Algebra (FA 1) 3   CS 3424 Systems Prog/Rec (FA 2) 4
STA 3003 Applied Statistics (FA 1) 3   STA 4133 or 4233  Intro to Prog & Data Manage (FA 1) 3
MDS 2023 Intro to Multidisc Studies 3   POL 1013 Introduction to American Politics 3
POL 1133 or 1213 Texas Politics and Society 3    
TOTAL   16   TOTAL   13
CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithm (FA 2) 3   STA 4143 Data Mining (FA 1) 3
ELEC Programming & Algorithms (FA 2) 3   ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3
ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3   ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3
COM  Requirement COM 1043, 1053, 2113 or ENG 2413 3   CORE American History 3
CORE Life & Physical Sciences 3   CORE Life & Physical Sciences 3
TOTAL   15   TOTAL   15
ELEC Programming & Algorithms (FA 2) 3/1   ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3
ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3   ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3
ELEC Data Science Elective (FA 3) 3   MDS 4983 Seminar for Multidisc Studies 3
CORE Social & Behavioral Sciences 3   CORE Component Area Option 3
CORE American History 3   CORE Lang, Philosophy, & Cult. 3
TOTAL   16   TOTAL   15

2023 Focus Area 1 - 20 hours (14 prescribed)

Course Number Title Prerequisite
MAT 1214 Calculus I MAT 1093
MAT 1224 Calculus II MAT 1214
MAT 2233 Linear Algebra MAT 1224 or EGR 2323
STA 3003 Applied Statistics MAT 1093 and corequisite MAT 1214
STA 4133 or Intro to Prog & Data Manage SAS  
STA 4233 Intro to Prog & Data Manage R  
STA 4143 Data Mining STA 4133

2023 Focus Area 2 - 18 hours (11 prescribed)

Course Number Title Prerequisite
CS 1714 Computer Programming II (required) CS 1063 or CS 1083
CS 2124 Data Structures (required) CS 1714 and MAT 1214
CS 2233 Discrete Mathematical Structures (required) CS 1714 and MAT 1214
CS 3424 Systems Programming (required) CS 2124
CS 3343 Analysis of Algorithm (required) CS 2124 and CS 2233 and CS 3333 (or equivalent)
CS 3443 Application Programming CS 2124
CS 3743 Database Systems CS 2233 and CS 3424
CS 3844 Computer Organization CS 2124
EE 3563 Digital Systems Design EE 2511 and EE 2513
EE 4243 Computer Organization and Architecture EE 3463

2023 Focus Area 3 - 18 hours (9 required)

Course Number Title Prerequisite
Data Science
DS 4003 Introduction to Data Science (required) MAT 1073
DS 4013 Programming for Data Science (required) MAT 1073
DS 4023 Data Organization and Visualization (required) DS 4013 and DS 3023(or STA 3003)
DS 4033 Data Mining and Machine Learning DS 4023
STA 3513 Probability and Statistics STA 3003 and MAT 1224
STA 3523 Mathematical Statistics STA 3513
Business Intelligence
STA 4233* Intro to Prog & Data Manage R (required)
STA 4133* Intro to Prog & Data Manage SAS (required)
STA 4143* Data Mining STA 4133
STA 3333 Introduction to Data Science and Analytics STA 1053 or equivalent
MS 1023 Business Statistics with Computer Applications I IS 1403 or IS 1413, MAT 1053
MS 3043 Business Statistics with Computer Applications II  IS 1403 ir IS 1413, MAT 1053, MS 1023
MS 3063* Decison Support System  
MS 3073* Business Intelligence & Analytics (required) MS 3043
MS 3083 Data Management for Business Analytics  
MS 3313* Multivariate Statistics for Business Analytics MS 3073 and MS 3083
MS 4323* Simu with Business Applications  
MS 4373 Data Mining for Business Analytics MS 3073 and MS 3083
MS 4383 Predictive Operational Analysis  

* Certificate in Business Analytics (5 courses)

STA 4233, STA 4133, MS 3073, MS 3063, MS 3313, MS 4323

Computer Science
CS 3443 Application Programming CS 2124
CS 3743 Database Systems CS 2124 and CS 3424
CS 3753 Data Science CS 2124, CS 2233 and CS 3333 (need instructor consent)
CS 3793 Artificial Intelligence CS 3343 and CS 3424
CS 4223 Bioinformatics and Big Data CS 3343 or consent of instructor
CS 4233 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics CS 3343
CS 4243 Large Scale Data Management CS 3423 and CS 3443
CS 4373 Data Mining CS 3343
CS 4413 Web Technologies CS 3424
CS 4593 Topics in Computer Science Consent of Instructor
CS 4843 Cloud Computing CS 3424
CS 4973 Advanced Topics in Systems and Clouds Consent of Instructor
Cyber Analytics
IS 2053 Programming Languages I with Scripting IS 1003
IS 3063 Database Management for Information Systems IS 2053
IS 3523 Intrusion Detection and Incident Response IS 3513 with a grade of C-
IS 4463 Web Application Security IS 3513 with a grade of C-
IS 4483 Digital Forensic Analysis I  
IS 4523 Digital Forensic Analysis II IS 4483
IS 4023 Applied Big Data with Machine Learning IS 3073
IS 4183 Advanced Database Concepts and Applications IS 3063 with a grade of C-
Data Engineering
EE 3113 Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory I EE 2423, EE 2513 and EE 3313
EE 3223 C++ and Data Structures EE 3463
EE 4243 Computer Organization and Architecture EE 3463
EE 4443 Discrete-Time and Computer Controlled Systems EE 3413
EE 4673 Data Communication and Networks EE 3223 and EE 4613

Want to learn more about this program?

Contact the Multidisciplinary Studies Program