Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state-legislated program (Texas Education Code §51.3062) requiring Texas public institutions of higher education to assess college readiness in Reading, Writing, and Math for degree-seeking, non-exempt undergraduate students through the use of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment. The program includes testing, placement, and support for students who do not pass one or more sections of the assessment.

Starting in January 11, 2021, the TSIA was replaced with Texas Success Initiative 2.0. It has only 2 components: Math and English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), which is a combination of the previous Reading and Writing components.

TSI Status and Definitions @ UTSA:

  • TSI Complete: you have met all TSI requirements and no further action is needed.
  • TSI Incomplete: you have attempted the TSI Assessment and did not pass one or more sections, Co-requisite coursework is required, or UTSA does not have TSI scores for you and you will be required to take the TSI exam or provide an exemption/scores before registering for any classes.

What does that mean for me?

Before you can enroll at UTSA, you must provide valid (official) documentation for an exemption, provide a copy of your previous TSI scores through the official link, and/or take the TSIA. If these are not on file or completed, it could impact your registration process. Make sure to check your Rowdy Ready checklist here for information about the TSI.

Do I have to take the TSI? Not all in-coming students need to take the test. If you’ve already taken the TSIA you do not need to re-take the test. Also, several exemptions can satisfy the TSI requirements.

If you are TSI Incomplete due to no scores or exemptions, you must take the TSI Assessment for the areas in which you are not-met (Math, ELAR and Essay). If you are not sure what sections you need to take, please email the TSI office at TSI@utsa.edu. Once you know what sections you need to take, please go onto the ASAP portal to register for the test or contact Testing Services at 210-458-4125 if you need assistance with registering for the test.

If you are TSI Incomplete due to not passing the TSI exam, then you may be enrolled in the appropriate Co-requisite intervention to prepare you for success in college-level courses.

Contact TSI

If you have a question please contact TSI via email.

TSI Prep Resources

Looking for ways to review or prep prior to taking the TSI or re-taking the TSI? Please contact TSI@utsa.edu with any questions you may have.