To sign up for the TSIA 2.0, you will need to reach out to Testing Services which administers the exam. Please go here to view their website:

Please note, you will need to complete the PAA (Pre-Assessment Activity) before you can register to take the TSI2.

If you don’t pass the TSI exam, you have the option to retest, though you are not required to do so. It is always recommended that if you choose to retest, that you spend time preparing. If you choose not to retest, you will be placed into a TSI Co-requisite based on your major.

You will continue to have a TSI hold on your account until you have met your TSI requirements, either by passing a retest, providing an exemption, or receiving credit for the TSI Co-requisite courses. The TSI hold will be post-dated to allow for course registration.

TSI does not affect your admission status. TSI affects which classes you can register for. See course restrictions table if you are not-met in an area of the TSI.

TSI Programs will register you for the TSI Co-requisite courses and then post-date your TSI hold so that you can add your other courses.

SAT scores must be sent to UTSA through the College Board portal ACT scores must be sent through the ACT portal Please give Admissions a few weeks to process. TSI Programs does not receive or process SAT/ACT scores so if you have any questions about whether or not UTSA has received them, please contact One Stop at 210-458-8000.

To get an unofficial copy of your TSI scores, please use the Accuplacer Student Portal: If you are trying to submit scores for review, please follow the steps listed under the “submit TSI scores” section or submit scores here.

Contact TSI

If you have a question please contact TSI via email.

TSI Prep Resources

Looking for ways to review or prep prior to taking the TSI or re-taking the TSI? Please contact with any questions you may have.