Byn Riley

Senior Lecturer, The Writing Program

Robyn Glasscock



Once upon a time, someone asked me, “What are you going to do, go to college for the rest of your life?” I thought, “Hmm, maybe that isn’t such a bad idea,” and I’ve been “going to college” ever since.

I received my B.A. and M.A. in English from UTSA and am a proud recipient of the Kenneth Alan Hovey Memorial Scholarship.

I’ve traveled between Wyoming (my quasi-native homeland) and San Antonio for the past twelve years. I have taught developmental and introductory courses in composition and literature, both in lecture format and online, for six years. As a result, I interact daily with students, faculty, and staff from both rural and suburban settings. Within seconds, my “e-world” spans the countryside and mountain ranges to rush hour and city life. Having had my fill of nature and the great outdoors while growing up, I’m more likely now to be found happily haunting the climate-controlled halls of academia.

I enjoy reading and writing poetry, though my preferences regarding both tend to juxtapose one another. I appreciate reading “the old stuff” (or classics) like Shakespeare, Milton, Tennyson, Browning, Dickinson, and (dare I say) Byron, as well as “younger” modern poets like Whitman and Frost, but the poetry I write very seldom resembles what I prefer to read. I love attending poetry readings and stepping up to the podium. In my spare time, I’m an amateur artist, astronomer, and philosopher.

For faculty syllabi and current course schedule, please visit Bluebook.